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14 Colleges Where You Can Get a Bachelor's Degree in AI


ForumDaily New York

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The artificial intelligence (AI) boom shows no signs of slowing down. Now is the time to think about your future career. CNBC tells where you can get a bachelor's degree in AI.

Artificial intelligence has enormous potential to change the global economy. That’s why some colleges are preparing future workers to use and continue developing AI tools for a variety of work and home applications.

Back in 2018, Carnegie Mellon University began offering the country's first bachelor of science degree in artificial intelligence.

“Artificial intelligence professionals have never been more important, more scarce, or more in demand by employers than they are today,” Andrew Moore, former dean of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, said in a press release.

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Since then, more than a dozen schools across the country have developed their own AI programs, including the University of Pennsylvania, which became the first Ivy League school to offer an AI-focused major in 2024.

A degree in artificial intelligence can help you get a good job in the industry. AI technologies will revolutionize the world – one of these schools may be right for you place.

14 Colleges Where You Can Get a Bachelor's Degree in AI

  • Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;
  • Dakota State University, Madison, South Dakota;
  • Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois;
  • Keiser University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida;
  • Long Island University, Brookville, New York;
  • Mississippi State University, Mississippi;
  • New England Institute of Technology, East Greenwich, Rhode Island;
  • Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan;
  • Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana;
  • University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
  • University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas.

In addition to its undergraduate program, Purdue University offers a Bachelor of Arts in AI. It includes computer science course requirements along with a philosophy-focused curriculum.

Schools offering other types of AI-related degrees

  • Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ: Bachelor of Science in AI for Business;
  • University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA: Bachelor of Arts in AI for Business;
  • University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX: Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics and AI.
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