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Cute Rat in NYC Subway Becomes Social Media Star


ForumDaily New York

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A New York City subway rat has gone viral on social media after finding a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup on the tracks, reports Silive.

Rats and pigeons are creatures that cannot be avoided in urban areas. They are usually a nuisance, but sometimes they can be very annoying. cute.

A small rat was scouring the New York City subway tracks for something to eat when it suddenly discovered a pile of trash, as video from an eyewitness shows.

Successful find

Among a white Red Bull can and a crushed soda cup, the rat found a full-size, apparently unopened package of Reese's Peanut Butter Cup thrown onto the tracks.

And it wasn't just any packaging, but a giant-sized Reese's Peanut Butter Cup - the kind we often take to the cinema to share with friends.

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She was almost twice the size of the brave rodent, who was not fazed by either the length or the weight of this holy grail.

witness watched, as the rat found a treat and pulled a bag of Reese's under an electrified third rail. At the end of the recording, he can be seen gnawing on the bag to get to the treat.

The treat hunter became so popular online that even celebrity news outlet TMZ did a story about her find.

Needless to say, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are not a staple in the rat diet. But for their hungry subway-dwelling brethren, anything goes.

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