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Macy's to close several New York department stores


ForumDaily New York

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Macy's will close 66 stores across the United States, including nine in New York state and five in the city itself. Time-out tells which Macy's stores are closing in New York.

The following Macy's stores will be closing in New York:

  • New Hyde Park: Lake Success, 1550 Union Turnpike.
  • Huntington: Melville Mall, 834 Walt Whitman Rd.
  • Elmhurst: Queens Place, 88-01 Queens Blvd.
  • Brooklyn: Sheepshead Bay, 2027 Emmons Ave.
  • Rochester: Greece Ridge Mall, 397 Greece Ridge Center.
  • Massapequa: Sunrise Mall, 400 Sunrise Mall.
  • Brooklyn: 422 Fulton St.
  • Staten Island: Staten Island Furniture, 98 Richmond Hill Rd.
  • Bronx: Fordham Place, 404 East Fordham Rd.

See the full list here.

On the subject: Which Stores Closed in New York in 2024: The City Lost Hundreds of Retail Outlets

The closure plan aims to restore sustainable and profitable sales growth by shedding approximately 150 underperforming locations. shops over a three-year period. You can read more about the strategy here.

Looks like New Yorkers will have to shop Macy's online. Let's hope Macy's Herald Square lives forever.

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