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Ten Inspiring Stories of New York City Marathon Runners, Including an 88-Year-Old Runner from Ukraine


ForumDaily New York

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Annual 42 km race TCS New York City Marathon will take place on Sunday, November 3. Tens of thousands of runners from all over the world will participate. Team Inspire members shared their inspiring stories.

The New York City Marathon is an event that is eagerly awaited every year.

The race covers all five boroughs of the city. It starts at the Verrazzano–Narrows Bridge on Staten Island and runs through Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx. The finish line is in Central Park near the West 5s.

The marathon will be broadcast in more than 540 million homes around the world in 206 countries.

Team Inspire 2024 Members

Team Inspire members represent the heart of the marathon and embody the spirit of New York City.

Danil Farkas

At 88, Danil is one of the oldest marathon participants. He came to the United States in 1979 from Ukraine, but only started running at age 70. Since 2009, Danil has participated in every TCS New York City Marathon.

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“I am honored to be part of the energy of the New York City Marathon and to run alongside many marathon runners who are old enough to be my grandchildren!” said Daniil.

Ido Simioni

Ido was born with a rare disease that causes benign tumors to grow in the human body. Ido discovered the first growth on his forehead in 2023. During recovery After the surgery, he recorded a video from the hospital in which he promised to run the TCS New York City Marathon.

"After problems with health, which I encountered last year, my goal is to run all six major marathons in one year. I hope to inspire the running community here and around the world,” Ido said at the time.

Johnny Pie

When Johnny was 32, he suffered a stroke. This resulted in the loss of his vocabulary and long-term memory. He gained over 45 pounds, but one day he began to walk and then run.

"I am very excited to run the marathon. This is my chance to show the world what a stroke survivor can do. I am running 42 km to give hope to those who have despaired, just like I did. I will run with every stroke survivor. God willing, I will be able to reach the finish line for them," Johnny assured.

Ladon Jefferson

Ladon battled stage 4 breast cancer. She discovered the Red Door Community so her sons could connect with other children of sick parents. Now in remission, she will run on behalf of the community.

"The thing I'm looking forward to the most is the finish line. I will let out the loudest scream of joy and triumph after running the best marathon in the world. The finish line is where I will leave all my doubts, fears and self-doubt," Ladon admitted.

Luke Carron

After the death of his newborn in 2022, Luke suffered from debilitating depression and addiction. Running with Front Runners New York was critical to his recovery. In the process, he lost 45 pounds. Luke and his husband recently welcomed a baby girl.

“When I achieve what once seemed impossible, I feel the support of each and every one of the millions of people along the way. I want to give my husband and kids a big hug when I get to the finish line. They are my biggest source of motivation along the way!” Luke admitted.

Nathan Kahayali

Nate is a teacher at a school in Hawaii. He is from Laihan, where the devastating fires occurred in August 2023. While evacuating the old capital of Hawaii, Nate grabbed a pair of running shoes. They were his only possessions that survived the fires.

"What I enjoy most about the marathon is the excitement and energy of the crowd! There is truly a unique energy to a race like this. I am looking forward to the event and representing my hometown with pride," he said.

Shaquille Roberts

An immigrant from St. Kitts, he survived a house fire as a child, which left 40% of his body burned. Shaquille then moved to the Bronx. He co-founded the Bronx Burners, a running club that makes running more accessible. He has raised over $60 in scholarship funds for youth and has given away New Balance sneakers to children in the Bronx.

“I’m most excited to run the streets of the Bronx proudly representing our community and creating a space where everyone feels welcome and supported,” Shaquille said.

Tim Norton

Tim has lived on Staten Island for almost 20 years. He lives across the street from the marathon start and works as a firefighter for the county. In 2007, he made a $100 bet with a friend that he could run a marathon with virtually no training. Years later, Tim is preparing to run his seventh marathon with the FDNY Run Club.

“What excites me most is not only how fun the race is in general, but the exhilarating energy that comes with it in the morning. Even though this is my seventh New York City Marathon, I’ll still get up early and pace the house until I get to the start. And then just watch the action – it’s just amazing,” he said.

Rashida Santos

Rashida, a runner with NYRR Team for Kids, unexpectedly took custody of her sister’s three young children in 2016. She was later diagnosed with diabetes. She and her family began running together to develop healthy habits.

“This city is unique. To be able to experience its culture and energy during a marathon weekend is a dream come true. I’m looking forward to soaking it all up – the excitement of getting to the start line, the cheers from the crowd, the route through all the neighborhoods, the amazing finish line in Central Park with my family waiting for me. I’m sure it will be an experience I won’t soon forget,” Rashida said.

Larry Lewis

Larry was an Achilles International athlete, a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to adaptive running. He had planned to run his 34th race in 2018, but suffered a stroke a few days before. Larry had to relearn how to walk. He will return for the 2024 marathon with an Achilles International chaperone who will ride Larry in his racing chair.

“I am most excited to get back into running as a stroke recovery runner and complete my 34th marathon,” Larry concluded.

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