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Which NYC Subway Trains Were Most Late in 2024


ForumDaily New York

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The New York City Subway's B train was the most delayed train between December 2023 and November 2024, while the C was the second-most delayed. The F train rounded out the top three most delayed subway trains, according to Time-out.

In particular, the B line has been on schedule only about 65% of the time over the past year.

The 42nd Street, Franklin Avenue, and Rockaway shuttles topped the list for reliability, all running on schedule over 95% of the time!

As for the lines, L came out on top in terms of average 12-month performance, followed by lines 7 and G.

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You might find yourself taking the B train, officially the system's slowest train, instead opting to take an Uber. According to new data, car traffic in the city has decreased since the introduction Manhattan congestion charges.

New York City Transit System marks 120 years. The New York Transit Museum in Brooklyn is celebrating the occasion with a massive exhibition called The Subway Is… Featuring artifacts, photographs, multimedia installations, vintage advertising and more, the exhibition is the perfect weekend activity for transit fans and true Big Apple residents. Tickets are available here.

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