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The September 11 Memorial Museum is now free to visit on the first Sunday of the month.


ForumDaily New York

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Beginning February 2, New Yorkers will be able to visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum for free on the first Sunday of every month. All they have to do is show their ID at the entrance, reports Time-out.

The change was made possible by a $500 grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Every Sunday in 000, admission to the museum will be free for New York City residents from 2025 p.m. to 16 p.m.

You can book tickets for next Sunday directly here.

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Those who work, live, or study in and around New York City will simply need to show a valid ID upon entry. Admission to the museum is always free for 9/11 family members and those eligible for WTC Health.

“This program allows New Yorkers free admission and the opportunity to remember and experience the history of this day together,” said Beth Hillman, president and CEO of the Memorial Museum. “We are grateful to the Carnegie Corporation of New York for its continued support of our work with New Yorkers and the more than 100 million Americans too young to remember 9/11.”

Since its opening 10 years ago, the museum has become a fixture in Lower Manhattan, documenting the ongoing impact of terrorist attacks September 11, 2001. The museum seeks to immortalize the memory of nearly 3000 people, the dead that day. It is located on the site of the World Trade Center, and in its first decade, it was visited by 23 million people from all 50 states and more than 175 countries.

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