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The Eight Best Lakeside Towns in New York State


ForumDaily New York

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Upstate New York is a wonderland of greenery, waterfalls, mountains and huge sparkling lakes. Worldatlas tells the story of charming lakeside towns where you can find a variety of relaxing and entertaining activities both on and off the water.

These cities offer a wide range of different cultural events, festivals and interesting Occupation.


In Skaneateles, year-round tourism is one of the largest sources of income. The town offers access to Lake Skaneateles, historic buildings, and fun annual festivals. The events attract locals and tourists alike.

Start with a trip to Cliff Park. Here, visitors can sit in the park's gazebo and admire the north shore lake Skaneateles The park features a swimming area, playground, boat launch, picnic area and the Charlie Major Nature Trail.

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Those looking to delve into the town’s past can explore the Skaneateles Historical Society and the Skaneateles Antique Center. In the summer, travelers can plan their visit around the annual Skaneateles Festival, a four-week celebration of music and artists from the Finger Lakes region. In the winter, the Dickens Christmas Festival is a must-see. Not only can visitors enjoy free roasted chestnuts, but they can also enjoy interactive street theater and sleigh rides.


The small but charming town of Cooperstown is located along the shores of Lake Otsego. It is primarily known as the home of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. Other museums include Hyde Hall, Fenimore Farm, and the Fenimore Art Museum.

For nature lovers, there is simply no better place to visit than Glimmerglass State Park. Glimmerglass is based on James Fenimore Cooper's 1841 novel, The Deerslayer. Cooper described Otsego Lake in his novel as "a broad expanse of water so calm and clear that it seemed a refuge for the pure mountain air…"

Glimmerglass State Park is a great place to enjoy the lake, as well as hiking, swimming, ice skating, fishing, canoeing and camping.

Lake George

Lake George is a popular resort town located on the shores of the lake of the same name. Lake George is called the "birthplace of the American vacation."

Those traveling with children will want to head to Canada Street, where they'll find family-friendly attractions including the House of Frankenstein Wax Museum and Leonelli's Playland Arcade.

Be sure to visit Shepard Park Beach or Million Dollar Beach. Hikers will appreciate the hike up Prospect Mountain, which offers stunning views of the lake and the city below.

Watkins glen

This is a beautiful town located on the edge of Seneca Lake. Watkins Glen State Park is its main attraction. The park features 19 waterfalls, numerous hiking and biking trails, campgrounds, grilling areas, pavilions, and swimming pools located throughout the park. Adults will enjoy several quality wineries throughout Watkins Glen, including the popular Hillick & Hobbs Finger Lakes.

This winery offers delicious local cuisine and panoramic views of the city.

The Lakeside Trolley provides convenient transportation around the city. Another major attraction is the race track: Watkins Glen International hosts NASCAR races.

Long Lake

Calm, still waters and the beauty of the famous Adirondack Mountains are just some of the attractions that await travelers at Long Lake.

There are several great lakes for those who enjoy the great outdoors. Start your Long Lake adventure with a swim at Long Lake Town Beach. It offers great views of the Adirondack-Seward Mountain Range, kayak and canoe rentals, lifeguards, two swimming docks, and plenty of nearby restaurants.

Be sure to visit John Dillon Park. Outdoor enthusiasts will want to lace up their boots for a hike along the Owl's Head Mountain Trail.

Lake Placid

Skiing opportunities, amazing hiking trails, and remnants of past Olympic Games help create the image of Lake Placid. The city offers a wide range of different activities for everyone. You can stroll through the Lake Placid Olympic Museum or enjoy exciting activities at the Olympic Ski Jumping Complex.

During the summer heat, a swim at the city's public beach is just what travelers need. The beach offers access to Mirror Lake and is located close to downtown amenities.


Oswego is known for its pristine wilderness areas near Lake Ontario and the Oswego River.

Head to Fort Ontario State Historic Site, where visitors can explore the grounds, see historical reenactments, and enjoy an outdoor picnic.

Those who prefer a waterfront view while picnicking in the park will want to visit Breitbeck Park.

It features a bell tower, splash pad, snack bar, miniature golf course, decent views of the nearby Oswego Lighthouse, and easy access to the H. Lee White Maritime Museum. Those traveling with small children can stop at the Children's Museum of Oswego for a fun day of learning.

Saranac lake

Saranac Lake is a great place to visit. The city offers easy access to Lower Saranac Lake, Lake Flower, and Lake Colby. Travelers can hike the Baker Mountain Trail or ski at the Dewey Mountain Recreation Center. The Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation is also worth a visit, especially for animal lovers. If you want to spend some time indoors, why not take in a show at the popular Pendragon Theatre?

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