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Uber passenger dies after being beaten by robbers who broke into his car in Brooklyn


ForumDaily New York

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On January 21, an Uber passenger died in Brooklyn. He was beaten by robbers in the backseat of a taxi, reports Audacy.

Michael Shelonchik, 53, was riding in the back of an Uber on Neptune Avenue near West 21th Street in Coney Island around 6 p.m. on Jan. 5. Two men opened the back door, robbed and beat the victim.

Attackers They beat Shelonchik on the head and face with their fists, then took the chain from him and ran away from the scene.

The taxi driver continued driving until he realized the passenger was unconscious near East 3rd Street and Avenue Y in Gravesend.

Shelonchik was taken to Maimonides Medical Center. Upon arrival at the hospital, doctors declared him dead.

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The incident is classified as an investigation. robberyAdditional charges against the robbers may be announced after Shelonchik's official cause of death is determined by the medical examiner.

Police have released CCTV images of the suspects, both of whom are aged 20.

One of the alleged robbers was last seen wearing a black hooded coat, blue tracksuit bottoms and white trainers. The other was also wearing a black hooded coat, but black trousers and black trainers. Both men were wearing balaclavas.

"It's not fair."

Taylor, Shelonchik's 27-year-old daughter, was planning to have dinner with her father that evening.

"We literally do everything together," she said. "I called him to make dinner arrangements, but a police officer answered the phone."

"My dad was visiting a friend and was coming home. He jumped in an Uber and I know he was definitely attacked. It's not fair," the daughter said. "My dad was young. We celebrated his birthday two days ago."

Taylor said she, her sister Lexi, their mother Jennifer and Chaya, their paternal grandmother, are the most important things to him.

"He made things with his hands, like clothes, accessories, slime crafts, just anything he could make money from. He was an entrepreneur in everything he did," Taylor said. "He knew how to make money fast and he loved working for himself."

It is not yet clear whether Shelonchik knew the attackers or whether the robbery was unintentional.

Anyone with information can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.

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