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NYPD Sergeant Arrested for Shoplifting from Target


ForumDaily New York

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An NYPD sergeant who earned more than $200 last year has been suspended after being accused of stealing $000 cough medicine, the department reports. Dailymail.

Sergeant Reyna Madho has been suspended without pay from the NYPD after being arrested in Nassau County, Long Island, on the evening of December 7.


The 41-year-old woman was charged with two counts of petty theft that she committed on Dec. 7 and Nov. 24 at a Target store in Valley Stream.

She is accused of stealing Zarbee's cough syrup and Ricola cough drops, which retail for $9,99 and $4,99, respectively.

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She earned $201 in fiscal year 625. Her base salary is $2024, plus $126 in overtime and $211 in other benefits.

Representative the police The New York City Department of the Interior declined to comment on the case, other than to confirm that Madho had been suspended from the department without pay.

What is known about the police

Madho is the vice president of Desi Society, a group the police New York. She represents police officers of South Asian descent.

Previously, Reyna worked in detective squads at the 7th and 13th Precincts, as well as two squads in Brooklyn.

In addition, Madho was involved in five different civil lawsuits. They were settled for a total of $161.

One of those cases involved a video of Madho throwing a bottle of pills into a car while her partner was arresting motorist Abdul Pullium in 2015.

His lawyers said the tape clearly showed Madho tossing the bottle at him. The lawsuit was settled for $7500.

Reyna joined the department in January 2006. She was promoted to detective and sergeant in 2013 and to detective squad leader in 2021.

Madho was born in Trinidad and moved to the United States when she was 12 years old.

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