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New York City Health Insurance Costs to Rise 20% in 2025


ForumDaily New York

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New Yorkers pay the most for private health insurance among all states. SiLive tells how much its value will increase in 2025.

In the new report from insurance site LendingTree ValuePenguin health insurance rates and plans across the country were analyzed. The researchers determined which states would have the highest private health care costs insurance in 2025 year.

The study showed the average monthly health insurance costs for a 40-year-old with a Silver plan, although rates can vary widely depending on age and plan type.

Across the country, the average monthly cost of private medical insurance will increase by 7% (from $583 in 2024 to $621 in 2025).

However, New Yorkers will see a huge jump in prices, nearly three times the national rate, according to the report.

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Insurance Prices in New York

In New York, the average monthly cost of private health insurance is expected to increase 19% (from $873 in 2024 to $1038 in 2025), the second-largest year-over-year jump of any state.

The monthly rate of $1038, equivalent to $12 per year, is the third-highest of any state behind Vermont and Alaska. Vermont is expected to pay $456 per month, while Alaska is expected to pay $1157 per month.

The average monthly rate in New York City in 2025 will be 67% higher than the national average and 78% higher than neighboring New Jersey, where residents will pay an average of $583 per month.

States with the highest average monthly health insurance costs in 2025

  1. Vermont – $1157
  2. Alaska – $1088
  3. New York - $1038
  4. West Virginia - $955
  5. Wyoming - $895
  6. Nebraska – $743
  7. Connecticut – $708
  8. South Dakota - $690
  9. Illinois - $684
  10. Utah – $675.
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