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Man Who Grew Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Suffers Stroke Day It Was Cut Down


ForumDaily New York

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A Massachusetts man donated a tree from his mansion to Rockefeller Center in memory of his late wife. He suffered a stroke the day the tree was cut down, reports WCVB.

On the night when the giant Norwegian spruce taken to New York from West Stockbridge, Albert, the owner of the tree, had a stroke.

It all happened on November 7th. The family couldn't make it to New York to see the tree. They hope Albert will be well enough to attend the lighting of his green beauty on December 4th.

Meanwhile, the public is being urged to send Christmas cards to Albert to help lift his spirits as he recovers.

On the subject: New York's Main Christmas Tree Has Already Arrived at Rockefeller Center: When Will It Be Lighted and How to See the Christmas Beauty

Postcards can be sent to:

Earl Albert
PO Box 109
West Stockbridge, MA 01266.

Albert gave Christmas tree Rockefeller Center in memory of his wife, Leslie. She loved Christmas. When she died in 2020, the family was unable to hold a funeral due to pandemic restrictions.

"She was a huge part of the community," Albert said on the eve of his stroke. "Now we can finally honor her in this way."

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