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Discount season begins in New York on restaurants, hotels and Broadway shows


ForumDaily New York

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Every January, New York City delights residents and visitors with special offers and discounts on restaurants, Broadway shows, museums and attractions. Time-out tells you what you need to know about these tempting events.

Restaurant Week

You can book a table now for Restaurant Week deals, which run from Tuesday, January 21 to Sunday, February 9.

Prices of dishes during Restaurant Week

You'll pay $30, $45 or $60 for a two-course lunch and a three-course dinner on the days each restaurant chooses.

The list of establishments participating in the promotion can be viewed hereExperts recommend Crown Shy, Delmonico's and Fish Cheeks.

Broadway Week

You can buy tickets for the show from January 21 to February 9.

Ticket prices during Broadway Week

It is possible to buy two tickets for the price of one.

What shows are participating in Broadway Week?

The list of shows that are eligible for the discount this year was published on January 7. You can view it here.

Keep in mind that the 2-for-1 tickets are mostly for balcony, gallery, and side seats. But in recent years, Broadway Week has offered a new option: if you want to splurge on good seats in the theater, you'll be asked to pay $125 for tickets that would normally cost much more.

Visit Broadway Week website as early as possible to browse the list of shows and choose the ones you like the most. If you act quickly, you can get points for productions of Hamilton, The Lion King and Cabaret.

Use promo code BWAYWK25 for regular tickets and BWAYUP25 for upgraded tickets.

Must See Week

Whether you're interested in an exhibition or want to join a fun tour, Must-See Week lets you enjoy it all at a significant discount on tickets. Must-See Week, New York City's favorite winter tradition, returns from January 21 to February 9.

Ticket prices for Must-See Week

You can buy two tickets for the price of one, they are already on sale.

Which attractions and museums participate in Must-See Week

You can buy discounted tickets to Life & Trust, Empire State Building, Mercer Lab, QC NY Spa, NYC Bagel Tours and more. See the full list here. You can book tickets here.

Hotel Week

The Hotel Week promotion will run until February 9, 2025.


This winter, the city's most famous hotels are offering 25% discount on accommodation.

Which hotels are participating?

More than 140 hotels are participating in the promotion, including The Rockaway Hotel in Queens, The William Vale in Brooklyn, and The Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. Other hotels are offering budget-friendly bookings for around $100 per night. The list also includes several chain hotels, including Wyndhams, Hiltons, and Marriotts.

How to Book a Room During Hotel Week

Visit New York Hotel Week websiteto see the list. It will take you to hotel booking sites.

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