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United Healthcare CEO Killed in Downtown New York: Shooter Waited for Victim Outside Hotel


ForumDaily New York

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UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was killed outside the New York Hilton in midtown Manhattan in New York City in a premeditated, premeditated, targeted attack, according to NBC.

Thompson, 50, was outside a Sixth Avenue hotel on Dec. 4 when the suspect shot him in the chest and leg around 6:46 a.m.

Planned murder

Thompson was on his way to speak at a UnitedHealth Group investor conference when a gunman approached him from behind and "shot him multiple times," Police Commissioner Jessica Tisch said at a news conference.

According to her, the suspect "sat in ambush for several minutes."

"A lot of people walked past him, but he seemed to be waiting for his intended target," she said.

CCTV footage shows Thompson, dressed in a blue suit, walking down a relatively quiet street. The footage shows the shooter approaching him from behind and opening fire.

Thompson stumbles and the witness runs to safety. The next shot shows the shooter continuing to fire as Thompson falls to the ground.

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Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said the suspect arrived at the scene about five minutes before the attack and shot Thompson in the back.

"The shooter then walks towards the victim and continues shooting. It looks like the gun is malfunctioning. The criminal clears the jam and starts shooting again," he commented on the footage.

Three live 9mm rounds and three empty 9mm cartridges were found at the murder scene. Police also found a mobile phone near the scene. incidents.

Reward for information

The shooter fled the scene on foot and then on a New York Citi Bike, Tish said. He was last seen in Central Park. No arrests had been made as of the morning of Dec. 4, police said. Crime Stoppers is offering a $10 reward for information.

Police said the suspect was wearing a black hoodie, black pants and was carrying a grey backpack. The suspect is believed to have used a firearm with a silencer.

Threats against the victim

Kenny reiterated that the shooting appeared to be a targeted attack.

"The motive for this murder is not yet known, but based on the evidence we have, it appears that the victim was targeted," he told reporters. "But at this point, we don't know why."

The victim's wife, Paulette Thompson, admitted that her husband had received threats.

"There were some threats," she noted. "I don't know the details, but my husband said there were some people who threatened him."

UnitedHealth Group, the parent company, was scheduled to hold its annual investor conference in New York on December 4 but canceled all events.

Thompson was named CEO of UnitedHealthcare in April 2021 and joined UnitedHealth Group in 2004.

Previously, he served as CEO of UnitedHealthcare's government programs, including Medicare & Retirement and Community & State. Thompson was also CEO of UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement.

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