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MTA to Explain Manhattan Congestion Charge in Webinars: How to Participate


ForumDaily New York

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Webinars on congestion charges in New York City began on December 4, and they provide detailed information on exclusions and discounts, Gothamist reports.

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) will host eight public webinars on Manhattan congestion pricing, a plan to charge drivers entering Manhattan south of 60th Street.

The Manhattan congestion charge is scheduled to go into effect on January 5. The fee will be $9.

Higher tolls, including $15, had been proposed before, but New York Governor Kathy Hochul put the original plan on hold in the summer of 2024 and proposed lowering the amount to $9, which would be charged for entering Manhattan below 60th Street.

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Federal officials have approved the renewed plan.

New entry fee plan

A $9 fee will apply to vehicles during peak hours if they do not remain on the West Side Highway, FDR Drive or Battery Park Underpass.

At night (from 21:00 PM to 5:00 AM on weekdays and from 21:00 PM to 9:00 AM on weekends) the fee will be $2,25. See above for the cost of commercial vehicles.

Some discounts are available. They apply to drivers who already pay tolls through the Lincoln or Holland tunnels into Manhattan during rush hour, and to those who earned less than $50 in the previous year.

When will the webinars take place?

The MTA says the webinars will explain how the congestion charge works, what discounts are available, and how the program benefits the region. Questions will be allowed during the sessions.

The webinar on December 5 at 14:00 will be dedicated to discounts for low-income drivers.

You can register here.

General webinars will be held:

  • December 6 at 12:30, you can register here;
  • December 10 at 18:00, you can register here;
  • December 12 at 11:00, you can register here;
  • December 16 at 18:00, you can register here;
  • December 19, from 11:30 to 12:30, you can register here.

Participants can submit questions in advance via registration links.

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