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New York City Jobs: City Hall Seeks Housing Inspectors, Offers $69 Salary


Olga Feoktistova

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The New York City Department of Housing and Development will hold an in-person job fair on Saturday, November 23.

Fair vacancies will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. at 100 Gold Street. Doors close at 15:00 p.m. More details can be found here.

The Department of Housing is hiring home inspectors and is offering a salary of $69.

Benefits include:

  • EPA Lead Inspector Certification Training;
  • career advancement opportunities;
  • benefits for health care, dentistry and ophthalmology;
  • access to pension plans.

Housing inspectors work 10 hours a day, four days a week and can be assigned to work in any of the five boroughs.

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You must have a valid driver's license. New York City residency is not required.

Interested candidates must bring four copies of their resume and photo identification. The department will conduct on-site interviews.

Those planning to participate can pre-qualify by sending a resume via email to [email protected] until Friday, November 15th.


Applicants must meet the following requirements:

5 years of experience in one of the following fields or a combination of them:

  • masonry, carpentry, plumbing, plastering or metalworking as a fully trained apprentice;
  • responsible for the maintenance and repair of apartment buildings as an agent of a real estate organization;
  • performing inspections of physical aspects of housing, construction or renovation of buildings;
  • experience working in housing inspection.

OR 5 years of experience in the following fields and education from a technical school or college in the following areas:

  • stonemasonry, carpentry, plumbing or metalworking;
  • engineering, architecture, engineering technology, construction, construction management,
  • construction technologies or architectural technologies.

OR 1 year of relevant work experience and any bachelor's degree (if degree is in relevant field, no experience required).

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