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New York's Main Christmas Tree Has Already Arrived at Rockefeller Center: When Will It Be Lighted and How to See the Christmas Beauty


ForumDaily New York

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The lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center is a New York City holiday tradition. Every Christmas, it brings together thousands of residents and tourists in the glittering center of the metropolis. SecretNYC tells when the tree will shine with its lights.

Annual lighting ceremony Christmas trees will bring to life tens of thousands of colorful lights along West 49th and 50th streets, as well as Fifth and Sixth Avenues.

The 2024 Rockefeller Center tree arrived at the plaza on Saturday, November 9, at approximately 7 a.m. The 11-ton conifer stands 22,5 feet tall and 13 feet wide.

When will the tree lighting ceremony take place?

The official tree lighting ceremony will take place on December 4. The event, "Christmas at Rockefeller Center," will be broadcast live on television.

The tree lighting ceremony typically takes place from 19:00 p.m. to 22:00 p.m. Kelly Clarkson will host for the second year in a row.

How to watch the ceremony

The tree lighting ceremony will air from 20 to 00 p.m. on NBC and Peacock. You can watch the festive event in person on a first-come, first-served basis. Get there early and as close to 22th St. & 00th Ave. as possible.

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Special appearances

Last year, Kelly Clarkson not only performed, but also hosted the two-hour show! This year, the organizers promise a "star" lineup of the ceremony.

Which streets will be closed

49th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue will be closed every day from 5:00 a.m. to midnight during the holiday season beginning with the tree lighting.

Fifth Avenue between 48th and 57th Streets may be closed to traffic again, as it was last year. No announcement has been made yet.

Special dates

On Christmas Day, December 25, the lights on the tree will be on for 24 hours. On New Year's Eve, you can visit the tree any time from 5:00 a.m. to 21:00 p.m.

How to visit the Christmas tree this year

The tree is open from 5:00 a.m. to midnight after Wednesday, December 24.

What else to do in Rockefeller Center

You can take a ride on the famous rink, which is now open. Plus, the cozy yurts of Rockefeller Center are back and waiting for visitors. Treat yourself to snacks and views of the most famous Christmas attraction in all of New York City.

See more information here.

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