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New Housing Lottery Offers Apartments With Spectacular New York City Views


Olga Feoktistova

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new housing lottery is giving away affordable housing with beautiful views of New York City in Astoria.

Vordonia Towers is a new building in Astoria that is now offering apartments for the housing lottery on Housing connect.

The new apartment building at 34-46 Vernon Blvd. offers 112 apartments for rent through a housing lottery (the building has 404 units in total). New Yorkers earning between $40 and $800 a year are eligible apply.

"Vordonia Towers is a 17-story building above the Astoria waterfront. 404 new luxury apartments with premium finishes impress with an open space, outstanding amenities and some of the best views of the city imaginable, the architecture website says. Streeteasy. – Vordonia Towers offers elegant studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments with gleaming hardwood floors, high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows.”

On the subject: New York City Housing Lottery for Families Earning Up to $40 a Year

Building amenities include an elevator, concierge service, shuttle bus, and in-unit washers and dryers.

Rent studios will cost $1190, with larger apartments priced higher. For more information about this lottery and to apply, click here.

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