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12-year-old schoolboy convinced the mayor's office to extend winter holidays: changes to the school calendar have already been made


ForumDaily New York

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New York City public schools to extend winter break thanks to 12-year-old student, school officials report ABC7.

Initially, winter holidays were planned from December 24 to January 2.

But since Christmas Eve falls on a Tuesday this year, students and staff must report to school on Monday, December 23.

Isaac Rainier, 12, posted his petition on He proposed replacing the Dec. 23 school day with another one later in the year. This would allow students and staff to extend their winter break to 12 days.

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On October 30, Rainier's request was granted. New York City Mayor Eric Adams personally broke the good news to him during lesson by phone.

Adams said Dec. 23, previously a school day, will now be a holiday for New York City public schools.

“Winter break for the current school year will now start one day earlier, on December 23, so that everyone can spend extra time with family and friends,” the mayor explained.

The state's 180-day school year requirement will still be met, with Friday, June 27, chosen as the extra day for classes.

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