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Holidays in New York: MTA Offers Customers Low-Cost State Travel and Discounts on Museum Visits


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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There is a lot to see and do in New York, Long Island and the Hudson Valley. The New York City Transportation Authority invites residents of the region to visit the most beautiful places by train or bus without thinking about traffic jams and finding parking. AMNY.

Photo: Shutterstock

MTA announced the official launch MTA Away... This program is a great option for those looking to get to know New York City on short trips and are willing to do so using public transportation.

Customers from all over the area MTA can now save on day trips and activities.

The MTA AWAY replaces the previous Deals and Getaways programs run by various New York City agencies. Customers can now find out about current offers, discounts and directions no matter which agency is providing them. Information about current offers will appear on digital signage at metro stations, trains and buses. Or - on the new website

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The site offers original content as well as partner texts from travel organizations. Partner organizations include Hudson Valley Happenings, Discover Long Island and TDF / TKTS. They provide seasonal content that includes hiking trails, restaurants, and activity guides. They also provide discounts and other useful information.

QR Code Information offers detailed information on your chosen attraction in New York and the easiest way to get there by public transportation.

MTA AWAY advertisements played at stations will contain a QR code that leads to the details of the offer you are interested in.

Sarah Meyer, MTA's director of customer service, said this is good for the passengers' budget as it allows them to travel more. She added that their goal is to "get people out of cars and put them on public transport."

“Today's launch brings together all the events and destinations that New York has to offer. Planning a day trip has never been easier. Just go to Here you will find places to go and how to get there, ”Meyer said.

MTA AWAY is available to passengers on subways and buses in New York, as well as railway customers on Long Island, Hudson, and Connecticut.

The first MTA AWAY deal was with Van Gogh: Immersion, which offers MTA customers discounts on their attendance.

Discounts on museum tickets

Discounts are also offered at the Museum of Modern Art, Storm King Arts Center and Botanical Gardens.

Discounted weekend travel packages include Long Island Wine Tours, Norwalk Marine Aquarium, Bronx Zoo and Hudson River Museum.

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Railway customers can save even more on weekend travel in the fall by taking advantage of the program "Autumn weekend"... The LIRR and Metro-North railways will allow monthly passes to operate at all LIRR and Metro-North stations on weekends, regardless of the stations listed on the pass. The promotion is valid from September 11 to November 21.

Plus, monthly pass holders traveling on weekends will be able to bring up to four additional passengers for just $ 1 per person each way.

However, please note that LIRR tickets are valid for LIRR travel only. Metro-North tickets are only valid for travel on Metro-North.

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