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A packet of chips and duct tape saved lives: a resourceful policeman became a hero of New York


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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A New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer used an empty potato chip bag and some duct tape to clean the attack victim's stab wound. According to doctors, these actions ultimately saved the victim's life, reports CNN.

Photo: Shutterstock

Officer Ronald Kennedy was summoned to the scene in Harlem on July 7 and immediately began providing assistance to the victim.

“Go and quickly get me a box of potato chips,” Kennedy can be heard speaking in video footage of the incident published by the New York police.

A man standing next to the officer can then be seen running to the store and returning with a packet of chips. Kennedy emptied the contents of the package and asked the crowd around him for scotch tape.

“He hit me in the lung,” the victim can be heard.

“I know, I know,” Kennedy replied. - Just relax…"

Kennedy called two people nearby to help put the wounded man on his back, and then began gluing a bag of chips to the victim's chest to cover the wound and slow down the bleeding until the ambulance arrived.

“We saved you, we saved you,” you can hear Kennedy say.

When an ambulance arrived at the scene, doctors removed a homemade bandage made by Kennedy, carried the victim onto a stretcher, and took him to the hospital.

According to the doctor, Kennedy's quick wit saved the victim's life.

It is unclear if the suspect is currently under arrest.

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