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Gruesome NYC suicide: Woman's head torn off after jumping off roof


ForumDaily New York

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An 12-year-old woman jumped from the 80th floor of a Tony Park Regis apartment building on the Upper East Side on Oct. 28. Her body caught on a balcony as she fell, and her head was torn off, according to New York Post.

"I arrived when she was lying there, her head was missing," said a resident of the house. "Her head and arm were completely cut off, they were on the terrace."

Her clothes got stuck on the fence at the foot of the buildingThe fence bent from the impact.

On the subject: 10-year-old girl dies after falling from Bronx building window

"Everyone rushed to the woman, but she was already dead," said a 23-year-old witness to the fatal incident. "Her body landed there, but her head and leg fell on the fence, there were clothes and blood."

Second incident

Police reported that on the same day, October 12, at about 5 a.m., a 52-year-old man jumped out from his balcony on the 17th floor of a 22-story building in Chelsea.

The unidentified man was pronounced dead at the scene and police have not released the victim's identity.

At this time, a grief-stricken woman, believed to be the wife, was seen sobbing and visibly shaken outside 315 West 25th St.

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