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70-Year-Old Woman Loses 30 Kg and Gives Tips on How to Lose Weight at Any Age


ForumDaily New York

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Joan MacDonald, 70, lost 30kg and took up weightlifting. She said Insider, how to get in shape at any age.

Joan, 70, was 160 cm tall, weighed 90 kg and had problems with blood pressure. MacDonald She said she had been playing bowling and darts but had not felt well.

Her daughter was afraid that if her mother did not change her habits, she would end up in a nursing home.

On the subject: Man Loses 64kg in 18 Months Without Training or Going to the Gym: How He Did It

Eight years passed and McDonald was 78 years old. fitness influencer with 1,9 million subscribers. She can now lift 106 kg.

Supporting my daughter

McDonald began her fitness journey with the help of her daughter, a bodybuilding trainer, who helped her improve her fitness and eating habits.

McDonald began going to the gym five times a week, doing 15 minutes of cardio on a machine and then lifting free weights.

Joan began eating five times a day - small meals before and after her morning workout, and in the evening. She drank a protein smoothie twice a day.

After a year, she had lost 20 kg and lost another 15 kg over the next three years.

According to experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, gradual weight loss of about 0,5 to 1 pounds per week is a healthy and sustainable process.

"I still have work to do. I don't worry about weight anymore - I think I'm a pretty good weight for my age. I've been able to build my body," McDonald said.

Research show that it is never too late to start taking care of your health. Scientists have proven that even 80-year-old people who continued to lead an active lifestyle or became active had a better chance of living longer than those who did not.

What do we have to do

McDonald shared some of her top Boards about how to get in shape and lose weight at any age.

To get in shape, you need to change your lifestyle.

“You can’t just follow a certain eating plan during the week and then go crazy on the weekend. It doesn’t work,” Joanne said. “But if you’re willing to change your lifestyle and are determined to work hard, you can change your appearance.”

Personal trainer Will McLaren said the hardest part of a fitness journey is getting started. After the first few weeks, “you’ll feel like a new person.”

It's all about thinking

McDonald wanted to get fit, so in her case, the "will to change" worked.

"You have to focus on what you really want. I knew I wanted to lose weight, but I also wanted to get stronger," Joanne explained.

She read a lot of books and articles about how to lose weight. This helped her change her thinking.

McDonald followed others on similar fitness journeys for inspiration.

Do not compare yourself with others

According to Joan, it is important not to compare yourself to others.

"You don't know what shape these people were in to begin with or how long they've been practicing," she said.

Instead, Joan advises, “compare yourself to who you were before and who you are now.”

“And don’t talk down to yourself. You’re stronger than you think,” the fitness influencer said. “There’s nothing you can’t do. You have to at least try.”

Have realistic expectations

If you're not in your 20s, don't expect working out to make you look like a 20-year-old again. And if you lose a lot of weight, McDonald says you should expect to see some sagging skin.

But that shouldn't stop you from training.

"You can only make so many changes. Just try to get to something you really like," Joan concluded. "Be happy with who you are and love yourself."

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