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The Pierogi Island restaurant has opened on Staten Island: they serve dumplings, cabbage rolls and borscht


Alina Prikhodko

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The aroma of garlic sausage wafting from the kitchen of a new New York diner has already attracted many fans. Slavic cuisine. As reported by Silive, delicious dumplings, cabbage rolls and borscht await you.

Pierogi Island located in the space that was formerly occupied by a bubble tea shop. Now there are five tables where gourmets can dine. The diner was opened by Evelina Volynets together with her husband Shimon.

First on the menu are dumplings, served with soft onions, sour cream and homemade garlic sauce. You can order a serving of 4 or 7 pieces. Fillings can be traditional - meat, potatoes and cheese, spinach and cheese, or kraut with mushrooms. For bolder flavors, there are jalapeño cheddar dumplings, mac and cheese, or BBQ chicken.

Evelina's mother, Elzbieta Rodowicz, prepares homemade dumplings with finely chopped caramelized onions. Casseroles are continuously baked in the oven - a kind of cheesy Polish pizza with mushrooms and shallots.

On the subject: Katz's and Veselka have teamed up to bring pastrami dumplings to New Yorkers.

The menu includes cabbage rolls with mashed potatoes, topped with tomato or mushroom sauce. You can even ask for an assortment of sausages, beef goulash, cabbage rolls, dumplings and potatoes.

All year round, the restaurant serves white or Ukrainian borscht, as well as classic chicken soup prepared by Elzbieta. You can serve them with apple or mushroom sauce, sausage, sour Polish cucumber, cucumber salad or sour cream.

While business is picking up, the establishment is open from 11:30 a.m. to 21:30 p.m. daily. On Sunday until 20:00. Pierogi Island is located at 3981 Amboy Rd., on Staten Island. Here you can order catering and food delivery through UberEats or GrubHub.

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