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Manhattan Congestion Toll: The latest on the program, which starts in 2024


Lyudmila Balabay

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New York is planning to introduce a congestion charge into Manhattan next May. Officially the program is called congestion pricing, because state officials hope it will help clear traffic jams from downtown New York.

Yesterday (October 2) a regular meeting of the Traffic Mobility Review Board took place, which sets the rules for charging tolls for entry into Manhattan. Below is the most up-to-date information about the program following this meeting.

What is congestion pricing

This is a program that charges drivers to enter certain areas of the city. Its goal is to reduce traffic congestion and make citizens want to use public transport more often.

Where will the toll zone be located?

A fee will be charged for entering the Central Business District. This is all of Manhattan south of Central Park. All vehicles traveling on roads at or below 60th Street will be charged, with the exception of major highways (FDR Drive, West Side Highway and Battery Park Underpass).

How much will drivers pay?

The exact amount has not yet been determined. Prices are expected to range from $9 to $23 on weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m.

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Discounts and benefits

  1. The Manhattan toll will not apply to emergency vehicles or vehicles carrying people with disabilities.
  2. A 25% discount will be available to low-income drivers after the first 10 trips within one calendar month.
  3. People living in the toll zone and earning less than $60 a year would be given a tax break equal to the fees they paid to enter Manhattan.
  4. Drivers crossing the Hudson River or East River through toll tunnels will receive a discount of $4 to $7, which will be deducted from the base toll toll into Manhattan.
  5. In addition, drivers who enter the toll zone at night will receive significant discounts.
  6. Drivers of taxis and car sharing services will be exempt from paying the fee. Instead, between $1 and $2,75 will be added to the fare a passenger pays if the trip begins or ends in a toll zone.

Where will the money raised go?

The program should generate $1 billion a year. The MTA will use the money to fund projects to improve infrastructure, maintain and modernize buses and subways, including a project to extend the Second Avenue Subway to East Harlem.

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