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Eat by the water: a map of all restaurants on the waterfront in New York has appeared


Lyudmila Balabay

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The site has been in existence in New York for a long time., there you can see almost all the restaurants in New York and New Jersey, find establishments near you, find out their opening hours and menus. Now has a cool addition - a service Dock and Dine. He shows waterside restaurants in New York and New Jersey so you can organize the perfect summer dinner.

Using the tool, you can not only find a restaurant, but also get acquainted with its menu, see several photos and even customer reviews (there are not many of them yet, because Dock and Dine has just launched).

The service was created by New Yorker Alex Dushkin.

“A restaurant guide can be a great way to explore our region from the water. You can zoom in on the area of ​​interest to you on the map, see available restaurants, their photos and menus. I tried to simplify this tool as much as possible,” said Dushkin.

He noted that the list of restaurants on the map is constantly updated and supplemented.

How does work Dock and Dine

1. You can search for restaurants by name, area, or just “near me” (then the service will have to give access to your geolocation). All these options are in the upper right corner.

Screenshot from the site

2. Map search is also available (each pointer is clickable)

Screenshot from the site

3. Under the map is a complete list of restaurants that are in the service. When you click on the institution you are interested in, you get a dossier on it (contacts, menu, photo, type of cuisine and even special offers and discounts).

Screenshot from the site. Menus and photos are clickable - they can be enlarged.

In general, if you like to eat by the water, then save Dock and Dine on your list of useful resources!

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