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After a minor accident, the man deliberately ran over the driver of another car several times to hide the accident


Olga Derkach

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A New Jersey man hit and then repeatedly ran over a 23-year-old woman. Writes about it New York Post.

Harrowing footage captured by a bystander shows the moment 56-year-old Vincent Jean ran his silver Mitsubishi SUV over the 23-year-old victim after a minor traffic accident occurred nearby.

Gene tried to flee the scene of the accident but then became furious that a girl tried to take a picture of his SUV for police identification, Union County Attorney William Daniel said in a statement.

“The suspect pointed his car straight at the girl and she started running,” Daniel said. “Then the driver drove onto the lawn and ran over the victim, then ran over her before reversing and deliberately ran over her again.”

According to Daniel, Gene fled the scene in his SUV. The shocked witness yelled at him to stop.

"Stop! - you can hear it on the video. “What the hell!?”

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Cops caught Gene sitting in his damaged SUV in Elizabeth, New Jersey. He was charged with counts including attempted murder in the first degree and assault with a motor vehicle in the third degree.

According to Daniel, the victim was taken to the hospital and is in critical condition.

Jean is in the Union County Jail awaiting a remand hearing.

Anyone with additional information about the incident should contact Elizabeth City Police at (908) 358-9675.

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