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The 'Six to One' Rule: How to Save on Groceries


ForumDaily New York

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When it comes to grocery shopping, consumers have two goals: eat healthy and stay within a budget. Star talks about the six to one rule for saving on groceries and how it works.

Use the six-to-one chart to structure your shopping list and meal plan.

“The 21-to-XNUMX rule is a hack I’ve used since I moved out of my parents’ home at XNUMX. I still use it for my family of four. It helps me stay on schedule each week. It ensures I don’t spend money on expensive drive-thru meals for my kids when we’re on the road,” says Lesley-Ann Scorgie.

How the rule works "six to one"

Lesley-Ann says she always buys:

  • six vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, etc.;
  • five fruits, such as bananas and berries;
  • four proteins, such as tofu, chicken, and eggs;
  • three starches, such as pasta, potatoes or rice;
  • two spreads or dips, such as hummus or tomato sauce;
  • one treat, such as ice cream or gourmet coffee capsules.

You can use the six-to-one rule with dietary restrictions and scale it according to the number of people in your household. Here are some additional tips to help you cut down on your food costs. Products, while you test the rule.

Use your budget effectively

Grocery store prices are not going down, despite the slowdown in inflation. Everyone has had to adapt. Closely monitoring purchases over a period of time is a great way to identify expensive (and sometimes unhealthy) eating habits.

On the subject: Personal experience: extreme savings helped me buy two houses in New York on a teacher's salary

Online shopping products have some additional benefits for your budget.

You can keep a list and plan what exactly you need and buy only those items.

Online shopping allows you to control impulse purchases.

If you're not in the store, you won't be tempted by items you don't need. Just keep an eye on service fees when you check out your order. Do a quick Google search to see if there are any relevant discount codes you can apply.

Buy seasonal products

Seasonal produce can be two or three times cheaper than out-of-season fruits and vegetables.

Universal brands for core products

Prices can be 20-30% lower if you buy generic brands. Pasta, canned goods, flour, sugar, cereal, nuts, etc. – these staples are often packaged under the private label of the store you shop at. If you’re concerned about ingredients, read the labels. You may be surprised to learn that they’re often the same as those in the brand-name products, and are often made in the same factories.

Shop at discount stores

These retailers may not have the most convenient carts, checkouts, or parking, but you'll save money. If you have time, shop at multiple stores, especially if you know there are better deals on certain items elsewhere. If you don't have time, see if your main store does price comparisons.

Don't know which stores have the best prices? There are coupon apps, for example Flipp, Checkout51. These thrift apps aggregate the best coupons, flyers, and prices for all retailers. Browsing through paper flyers works, too. Coupons can be very helpful for people with expensive dietary restrictions.

Other ways to save on groceries:

  • using loyalty points;
  • switching to credit cards with cashback;
  • incorporating more plant-based meals into your weekly meal plan;
  • the desire to not throw anything away.

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