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45 Days Instead of 12: How to Legally Quadruple Your Vacation in the US
ForumDaily New York
If there's one thing New Yorkers need to work on, it's work-life balance. SecretNYC told how you can quadruple your vacation time in 2025 by taking advantage of national holidays.
Planning trips to national holidays - this is a great way to lengthen your vacation.
National Holidays Calendar 2025
- New Year: Wednesday, January 1, 2025;
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Monday, January 20, 2025;
- President's Day: Monday, February 17, 2025;
- Remembrance Day: Monday, May 26, 2025;
- June 19: Thursday, June 19, 2025;
- Independence Day: Friday, July 4, 2025;
- Labor Day: Monday, September 1, 2025;
- Indigenous Peoples Day: Monday, October 13, 2025;
- Veterans Day: Tuesday, November 11, 2025;
- Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 27, 2025;
- Christmas: Thursday, December 25, 2025.
On the subject: School calendar for the 2024-2025 school year in New York: schedule of vacations, weekends and exams
How to Maximize Your Paid Time Off
- take vacation on December 30-31, 2024 + New Year (January 1) and weekends on December 28 and 29 = 5 days off
- take vacation on January 21, 2025 + weekend and Martin Luther King Jr. Day = 4 days off;
- take vacation on February 14, 2025 + weekend and President's Day = 4 days off;
- take vacation on May 23, 2025 + weekend and Memorial Day = 4 days off;
- take vacation on June 20, 2025 + June 16 and weekend = 4 days off;
- take vacation on July 3, 2025 + the Fourth of July and the weekend = 4 days off;
- take vacation on September 2, 2025 + weekend and Labor Day = 4 days off;
- take vacation on October 10th + weekend and Indigenous Peoples Day = 4 days off;
- take vacation on November 10, 2025 + weekend and Veterans Day = 4 days off;
- take vacation on November 28, 2025 + Thanksgiving and the weekend = 4 days off;
- take vacation on December 26, 2025 + Christmas and weekend = 4 days off.