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Crime goes off scale: the most dangerous counties in New York state


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Green County is New York's most dangerous state outside the Big Apple. This is evidenced by data from the Division of Criminal Justice Services for 2020, writes WNYT.

Photo: Shutterstock

The rating was compiled on the basis of an analysis of the number of violent crimes. It was divided by the population of the district and multiplied by 100, thus obtaining the coefficient, on the basis of which the rating was built.

Green County's score was 411,3, Albany County was slightly behind at 367,1, and Schenectady County came in third at 360,2.

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Saratoga County is the safest in the state for the level of violent crime, its coefficient is 95,4.

List of 20 counties with the highest crime rates in New York State (New York City was not included in the ranking):

  1. Green - 411,3
  2. Erie - 402,2
  3. Albany - 367,1
  4. Schenectady - 360,2
  5. Onondaga - 354,4
  6. Broome - 350,7
  7. Niagara - 315,2
  8. Chatokua - 312,9
  9. Monroe - 301,6
  10. Rensselaer - 288,6
  11. Cayuga - 262,8
  12. Jefferson - 256,4
  13. Oneida - 245,4
  14. Cenango - 242,7
  15. Fulton - 214,4
  16. Chemung - 208,9
  17. Cortland - 206,0
  18. Sullivan - 195,4
  19. Dutchess - 194,2
  20. Wayne - 191,2
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