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What benefits can refugees in New York expect: a list of programs


ForumDaily New York

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What government assistance is available to migrants? The benefits that asylum seekers in New York actually receive, explains Documented.

Critics have questioned the level of assistance provided to newly arrived asylum seekers.

"Why can't we provide free housing to our legal citizens who can't afford rent? Illegal migrants get free housing and other benefits," write users on social media.

Is this really true? Let's find out.

On the subject: Where can migrants get help in New York?

More than 2022 migrants have arrived in New York City since the spring of 210. This has dramatically increased the demand for housing in the city. In fiscal year 000, New York City spent $2023 billion on aid to migrants.

Although the costs of supporting these petitioners asylum seekers are significant, and the often-overlooked contribution of immigrants to the state's economy amounted to $2021 billion in taxes in 3.

The cost of aid has sparked controversy and misinformation.

Who are asylum seekers?

Asylum seekers are people who have fled their home countries because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

Unlike refugees, who are granted status before arriving in the United States, asylum seekers apply for protection after entering the country or at the border. They are in the United States legally.

What help is available to asylum seekers

There are various types of public assistance available to immigrants in New York. Eligibility depends on a person's immigration status in the United States. Some of these programs include State Security Payments (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/Food Stamps), Section 8 public housing, Federal Medicaid, Safety Net Assistance, Medicaid, Qualified Health Plan (QHP), Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Emergency Medicaid.

Asylum seekers are not eligible for most of these programs.

There are public assistance benefits that are only available to U.S. citizens and certain categories of immigrants. For example, asylum seekers are not eligible for permanent housing, food stamps (which are only available to people with children or disabilities), or free child care.

Here are the main government assistance programs available to asylum seekers in New York.

Emergency Shelter and Housing Assistance

In response to the influx of migrants that began in 2022, the city opened more than 200 emergency shelters to temporarily house them. These facilities offer basic services, including food, showers, and access to social workers.

New York City operates under the Right to Housing Act. It requires the city to provide housing to anyone in need, including asylum seekers. It is often the first form of assistance they receive. However, Mayor Eric Adams recently passed a regulation that significantly reduces the amount of time people can spend in shelters.

Currently, adult migrants are generally limited to 30 days in these shelters. Families with children are allowed to stay up to 60 days. They can reapply for asylum if they prove their continued need.

In some cases, immigrant families may be placed in temporary housing. This is intended to provide longer-term, stable housing while they process their asylum claims. New York State, in partnership with New York City, launched the Immigrant Resettlement Assistance Program (MRAP). It is designed to help newly arrived families seeking asylum move from the city's shelter system to permanent housing in welcoming areas of the state. The program covers a year's rent and additional services for families moving to Albany, Erie, Monroe, Suffolk and Westchester counties.

Cash assistance

Asylum seekers in New York City can apply for cash assistance. It provides grants to help cover housing, energy, and other basic expenses. Many recipients of temporary cash assistance must work or participate in approved work activities. Check eligibility here.


Asylum seekers have the right to participate in Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. It provides nutritional support to low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, as well as infants and children under age five. WIC offers access to food, nutrition education, and breastfeeding support.

Prenatal Care Assistance Program

Asylum seekers can also access Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP). This New York State initiative provides comprehensive prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care to low-income pregnant women, including adolescents and those without health insurance. PCAP, administered by the New York State Department of Health, aims to improve birth outcomes and reduce health disparities by ensuring access to essential health services for expectant mothers.

Free school meals

Free School Meals Program ensures that students from low-income families, including asylum-seeking families, have access to meals during the school day—and in certain locations during the summer. The program helps alleviate food insecurity and supports children’s education.

Head Start

Immigrant children have the right to Head Start, a comprehensive early education program. It helps children from low-income families prepare for school. Head Start is a program run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It focuses on education, health, nutrition, and family involvement, and helps children develop skills for success in and outside of school.

These programs offer a safe, positive learning environment where children can learn, play, and develop basic skills. Participants are provided with meals and health checks. Families receive support to access needed health services. There are eligibility requirements, but families who meet the eligibility requirements can enroll their children at any time during the year.

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