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Fifteen Slang Words Only New Yorkers Will Understand


Vita Popova

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If once during a conversation with a New Yorker you have to think about phrases that you have not heard before, this is normal. The Empire State is so big that even its residents, traveling outside their hometown, can hear unfamiliar phrases and words. This list of 15 words from the edition Only in your state helps you find answers to some questions.

  1. High peaks

R • СЃР »Рё РІС‹ СЃР »С‹ С € ите, С З С‚Рѕ кто-то РІ РќСЊСЋ-Р ™ РѕСЂРєРµ РіРѕРІРѕСЂРёС ‚В« РІС ‹СЃРѕРєРёРЅРІ High Peaks). СЂРєР ° РђРґРёСЂРѕРЅРґР ° Рє.

  1. Thruway

When traveling through the Empire State, chances are good that at some point you will find yourself on the New York State Thruway. When people in the state say Thruway, know that they call a long stretch of highway that way.

  1. Sponge candy

Known as the Sponge Candy Capital of the World, the city of Buffalo is one of the top places on the planet to find this perfect sweet treat. If you've never tried Sponge Candies, then be sure to do it: the dessert is made up of the perfect combination of toffee and chocolate.

  1. SPAC

You don't have to be a native of the north to know the meaning of this word. People from all over New York come to Saratoga to enjoy incredible outdoor concerts at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center, aka SPAC.

  1. Tug hill

Термин Tug Hill относится Рє СЂР ° Р№РѕРЅСѓ РІР РІ С ... РѕР »РѕРґРЅС‹ Рµ РјРµСЃСЏС † С ‹РІС‹ РїР ° РґР ° СЋС ‚тонны снегР° (РЅР ° Р · Р ° метку Р »СЋР ± иеаееееееЂеееееееЂеЂеЂЂеЂЂеееееееееееееееЂенееееееР°

  1. Beef on weck

Beef on Weck is one of the most delicious dishes in New York cuisine. If you haven't tried it yet, then head west to Buffalo City for some delicious grilled beef.

  1. The gunks

Chances are you are familiar with the names Adirondacks or Catskills. But depending on how you know them, they can be confusing. If you ever hear someone say The Gunks, they mean the Shawangunk Ridge, a popular climbing site in the Catskills.

  1. Texas hot

R 'RґР ° РЅРЅРѕРј СЃР »СѓС ‡ Р ° Рµ СЂРµС З СЊ идет совсем РЅРµ Рѕ РїРѕРіРѕРґРµ. РљРѕРіРґР ° РІС ‹СЃР» С ‹С € ите, С З С‚Рѕ РЅСЊСЋР№РѕСЂРєРµС † РіРѕРІРѕСЂРёС Texas Texas Ho, то РѕРЅ РІРѕРґР °Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р ±Р РЅС ‹РјРё жител СЏРјРё РІРёРґ С ... РѕС‚-РґРѕРіР °.

  1. The Great Escape

R¤SЂR ° F · P °, P ° RoRјRμSЋS ‰ SЏ RјRЅRѕRіRѕ P · RЅR ° C ‡ RμRЅRoR№, PI-P ™ RќSЊSЋ RѕSЂRєRμ RїRѕRґSЂR ° F · ° SѓRјRμRІR RμS, RїR ° SЂRє SЂR ° F · RІR "‡ RμS RμRЅRoR No. РІ СЂР ° Р№РѕРЅРµ РћР · ерР° Р ”жордж, которы Р№ СЏРІР »СЏРµС‚СЃСЏ С € РёСЂРѕРєРѕРїРѕРµСРЅРјР ‹Р ‹Р ‹Р ‹Р‹ ‡ ениеРлетР°.

  1. Spiedie

Perhaps the best thing to do in Binghamton, NY is to order a sandwich that is worth trying at least once in a lifetime.

On the subject: 5 versions of why New York is called the Big Apple

RS,Rѕ RoS,R ° F "P SЊSЏRЅSЃRєRѕ ° RјRμSЂRoRєR RЅSЃRєRѕRμ ° F ± F" SЋRґRѕ, SЃRѕSЃS,RѕSЏS ‰ · RμRμ Röhr RјR ° SЂRoRЅRѕRІR ° RЅRЅRѕRіRѕ RјSЏSЃR °, P ° R · PI RІRμSЂRЅSѓS,RѕRіRѕ SЂRѕR ". НеР· Р ° Р ± С ‹РІР ° емы Р№ РѕРїС ‹С‚, СѓРІРµСЂСЏРµС ‚Р ° втор.

  1. Stewart's

You will only hear this name in the Upstate area. Stewart's are the only casual shops locals love to visit.

  1. Wegmans

Unfortunately, not everyone in America is familiar with Wegmans, although for locals this is the best place to go for groceries at any time.

  1. The taconic

The Taconic State Highway is a road not only with beautiful scenery, but also many dangers. If the speaker pronounces the word Taconic, then he most likely means that the trip to this or that place disappointed him.

  1. piano Man

There are tons of celebrities from New York that you probably don't know about. But there is one special star that the locals will always remember - pianist Billy Joel.

  1. The City

New York is much more than a state metropolis. But if you hear someone say The City, rest assured - they mean New York City.

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