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Three Early Cancer Symptoms Many People Ignore


ForumDaily New York

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Pancreatic cancer has one of the lowest survival rates of all cancers and often goes undetected in its early stages. Getsurrey talks about the first symptoms of this deadly disease.

In 2020, more than 57 people in the United States were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and approximately 000 died from the disease. It is important to note that in almost every country, pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of any cancer.

These grim statistics are largely due to the disease's tendency to go undetected until it is too late.

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This cancer often shows no noticeable symptoms until it is in its advanced stages. Dr Alexis Missick from UK Meds highlights the early symptoms hand pancreas that everyone should pay attention to.

These include unexpected weight loss, jaundice, and persistent back or abdominal pain.

Unexpected weight loss

Unexpected weight loss is a particularly alarming symptom.

"If you find yourself losing weight for no apparent reason, such as without changing your diet or exercise, this is cause for concern. This weight loss occurs because pancreatic cancer can affect your body's ability to properly digest food. Weight loss is very common among patients with pancreatic cancer," Missick noted.


This is another important early warning sign. attribute.

"If you find that your skin and eyes are becoming more yellow, your urine is a darker shade (yellow or orange), and your stool is pale, this is another early cause for concern. Jaundice occurs when pancreatic cancer blocks the bile ducts, affecting the flow of bile," the doctor warned.

Back and abdominal pain

Back and abdominal pain are symptoms that should not be ignored either.

“If you have abdominal or back pain that comes and goes and then gets worse after eating or lying down, that’s another early sign of potential pancreatic cancer,” she explained. “This pain often becomes much more noticeable as the tumor grows.”

Seeking help in a timely manner

The doctor stressed the importance of seeking medical attention if any of these symptoms occur. In addition, the doctor highlighted several other symptoms that may indicate pancreatic cancer: loss of appetite, digestive problems, and new-onset diabetes.

"Symptoms of pancreatic cancer usually become noticeable in the later stages of the disease, when the tumor has already invaded surrounding tissue or spread to distant organs. This is one of the reasons why early detection of pancreatic cancer is a challenge. Routine check-ups with your primary care physician or primary care physician are very important," Missick concluded.

She stressed the importance of screenings for those with a family history of this type of cancer or smokers. Missick warned that pancreatic cancer symptoms can be mistaken for less serious conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis (inflammation of the intestine), heartburn and reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease), gallbladder disease, muscle pain and stomach ulcers.

"That's why it's important not to jump to conclusions and to see your GP if you have these symptoms," Missick said. "A correct diagnosis is key to distinguishing pancreatic cancer from other conditions. You should see your GP or call NHS 111 at the first sign of symptoms of pancreatic cancer, particularly if they don't go away or get worse over time."

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