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Amtrak Selling 25% Off Tickets: There Are Some Interesting Routes From New York


ForumDaily New York

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Travelers can save up to 25% on Amtrak tickets as the company runs a seasonal sale on travel on routes connecting New York City to numerous U.S. cities, reports SecretNYC.

If you want to enjoy the stunning fall foliage, there's no better way than to take a scenic train ride. And you can save money with Amtrak's fall sale!

Learn more about the Amtrak sale here.

The company offers autumn Travel with discounts up to 25%. Treat yourself to a little break from the madness of New York.

On the subject: Traveling by car in New York: 10 amazing routes

“With our Fall Sale, travelers can enjoy the convenience of Amtrak at a great price. It’s the perfect excuse for travelers to escape the city while enjoying the stunning views of the colorful fall foliage in comfort. Amtrak offers travel between New York and Boston for just $42 on Regional Coach and just $90 on Acela Business Class. The offer is valid for travel from October 7 through December 18, 2024, for reservations made by October 5, 2024,” said Amtrak executive vice president and chief commercial officer Eliot Hamlisch.

This sale offers a fantastic way to travel and explore the country using public transportation. And considering Amtrak produces 83% fewer carbon emissions than driving or flying, you'll be doing the environment a favor, too!

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