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Get a Taste of New York: Salmon and Cream Cheese Bagel Recipe


ForumDaily New York

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New York ForumDaily continues to share simple recipes for traditional New York dishes. And next in line are the beloved bagels with salmon. Exquisite, delicious and fast!

A bagel is a small round yeast-leavened bread product with a hole in the center. It is made from wheat or rye flour.

You can almost always find cream cheese with green onions in a salmon bagel recipe. Experts recommend adding fresh dill, which goes well with salmon. You can replace the cream cheese with regular cheese and the salmon with smoked white fish.

Salmon Bagel Recipe

Step 1

For the cream cheese: In a bowl, whisk together the cream cheese, green onions, dill and lemon juice until smooth.

On the subject: New York has the most expensive pizza in America

Step 2

For the bagels: Spread the creamy mixture evenly around the circumference of each bagel. Top with 2 salmon slices, tomato, cucumber, red onion and capers. Serve bagels uncovered and top with fresh dill.

Gourmet and inviting breakfast platter featuring delicious and savory cheese bagels and smoked lox.
Photo: Dzemidzenka

Bon appetit!

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