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Free admission to galleries and studios in Red Hook in October: terms of the promotion


ForumDaily New York

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Artists and creatives from Red Hook, Brooklyn, will open their studios and workshops to the public as part of the free annual event Red Hook Open Studios 2024, reports Eventbrite.

Red Hook Open Studios offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore the waterfront area's artist studios and workshops. The event is free and open to the public.


  • Saturday, October 5, from 13:00 to 18:00
  • Sunday, October 6, from 13:00 to 18:00

Where: Red Hook Brooklyn, NY 11231 United States

More 100 artists, jewellers, fashion designers, wood and metal craftsmen, paper artists, sculptors, installation and conceptual artists, musicians, glassblowers, ceramicists, designers and architects will take part in this event.

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Almost all participants artists will offer works available for sale.

Plan your trip from the NYC Ferry Terminal in Red Hook/Atlantic Basin, take the B61 bus along Van Brunt Street, or take the F & G Trains to Smith-9th Streets Station. Most studios are clustered along Van Brunt and Van Dyke, with additional locations throughout the area. See more locations here.

The official kick-off event will be on Friday, October 4th at the Scrappy Reading Series.

Five emerging and published writers from Red Hook will perform at a literary reading event. The Bookmobile House of Speakeasy will also be giving away free books. Refreshments and snacks will be served.

Register for free here.

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