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50 New York establishments included in the ranking of the 10 best pizzerias in the United States


ForumDaily New York

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50 Top Pizza, an Italian guide to the world's top pizzerias, has released a list of the 50 best establishments in the United States. New York took a fifth of this ranking, reports Silive.

It's no secret that the Big Apple has one of the best pizza in the United States, and these are not just words. Two pizzerias The cities took first and fourth places in the ranking.

Una Pizza Napoletana does not lose first place in the ranking for the third year in a row.

On the subject: New York restaurant included in the top 50 best in the world

Just a couple of blocks from Union Square is a pizzeria that took fourth place. This Limelight, using entirely Neapolitan ingredients, including, according to their website, “buffalo mozzarella from Campania.”

A new establishment included in the rating is Breed Artisan Pizza. The pizzeria is located in Jersey City, New Jersey, which is near the Bayonne Bridge and a short ride on the PATH from Manhattan.

12 of the best pizzerias in the United States will take part in the World's 100 Best Pizzerias competition. It will take place at the Teatro Mercadante in Naples on September 10 as part of the 50 Top Pizza World 2024. That is, three New York pizzerias have a chance to win the world title.

Complete list of the 50 best pizzerias in the United States

  1. Una Pizza Napoletana - NY.
  2. Tony's Pizza Napoletana - San Francisco.
  3. Pizzeria Beddia - Philadelphia.
  4. Limelight - NY.
  5. Ken's Artisan Pizza - Portland.
  6. Jay's - Kenmore.
  7. Don Antonio - NY.
  8. Pizzeria Sei - Los Angeles.
  9. The legend - Miami.
  10. Robert's - Chicago.
  11. 'O Munaciello - Miami.
  12. Partenope Ristorante - Dallas.
  13. Breed Artisan Pizza - Jersey City.
  14. Pasquale's – South Kingstown.
  15. Song' E Napule - NY.
  16. Kesté - NY.
  17. Ops - NY.
  18. Fabrica Pizza - Tampa.
  19. Pizza Secret - NY.
  20. Flower House – San Luis Obispo.
  21. Mission Pizza Napoletana – Winston-Salem.
  22. Inferno Pizzeria Napoletana - Darnestown.
  23. Spacca Napoli Pizzeria - Chicago.
  24. The oven - San Antonio.
  25. Coals Artisan Pizza - Louisville.
  26. Nardò - Huntington Beach.
  27. GRAIN - Portland.
  28. Pizza Rock - Las Vegas.
  29. Bricco Coal Fired Pizza – Haddon Township.
  30. Local - Portland.
  31. Valentina's - Madison.
  32. Craft 64 - Scottsdale.
  33. Spark Pizza - Redmond.
  34. Salsa- NY.
  35. Antico Pizza Napoletana - Atlanta.
  36. Tribute Pizza - San Diego.
  37. Zeneli - New Haven.
  38. Pizza Delicious - New Orleans.
  39. Pasquale Jones - NY.
  40. Knob - Scottsdale.
  41. Posto - Somerville.
  42. Truly Pizza – Dana Point.
  43. Pizza Baby - Charlotte.
  44. Pizzeria Florian - East Avirora.
  45. DOUBLE ZERØ PIE & PUB - Las Vegas.
  46. Penelope Pizza - Tucson.
  47. Foxtail - Chicago.
  48. Si Cara – Cambridge.
  49. Marco's Coal Fired - Denver.
  50. San Matteo - NY.
    Angeli's Pizzeria - Baltimore.
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