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New York meditation and retreat center recognized as the best in the USA


ForumDaily New York

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Upstate New York's Upstate New York Artists' Hideaway Meditation and Retreat Center Voted Best in America, Reports NewYorkUpState.

Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing in Cragsmoor has been ranked #10 on USA Today's list of the top XNUMX meditation centers in the country.

This is the place for those who want to be distracted away from the hustle and bustle and focus on your personal well-being.

Here you can find your absolute zen, as the organizers say.

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Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing is ranked #5 on the list of Best Wellness Retreats in America.

Inspiration for artists

Dharmakaya is based on the principles of Tibetan Buddhism. It offers a variety of programs and retreats focused on meditation, mindfulness, yoga and holistic healing. According to the website, their holistic practice includes connections to both mental and physical health.

The center, which began operations in 2018, is located atop the Shawangunk Ridge. It offers great views of the Catskill Mountains. The area has long attracted artists who want to surround themselves with the beauty of nature, with its rocky cliffs, waterfalls and glacial pools.

From the mid to late 19th century, a colony of creators, from sculptors to painters and photographers, came to Cragsmoor for inspiration. Guests of Dharmakaya can enjoy this idyllic landscape with access to walking paths and outdoor meditation areas.

The hotel offers simple rooms and includes three organic vegetarian meals per day.

For more information about programs at Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing, see here.

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