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Saks Fifth Avenue has canceled its iconic Christmas light show, marking the first time in 100 years that it will not take place.


ForumDaily New York

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Saks' iconic holiday light show on the façade of its 611 Fifth Avenue building has officially been canceled. The company said it would instead focus on the "architectural significance" of the building, reports Time-out.

This year Saks celebrates its centennial.

"We've been thinking about changing our approach," a company spokesman said Nov. 11. "So we're not going to have a light show this year because we've changed our approach."

Saks will still celebrate the holidays, though it will focus on the building's "architectural significance." Flagship shop The company has existed at this address for over 100 years.

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“On our anniversary we want to pay tribute architectural "We will elegantly illuminate the façade, frame holiday window displays, and highlight the style that Saks Fifth Avenue is known for," a company spokesperson explained.

According to a press release last month, the holiday displays "will feature outstanding pieces from leading names in luxurious settings against a backdrop of colorful decor."

It is safe to assume that city residents and tourists will miss the light show they associate with the holiday season.

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