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16 Top New York Schools Awarded for High Student Achievement


ForumDaily New York

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Sixteen New York City schools and five more state schools have been named National Blue Ribbon Award winners, reports Gothamist.

Each school submits a detailed application describing its educational practices, school culture and participation in community life as part of the selection process.

Schools are recognized in two categories:

  • exemplary, high-achieving schools that rank among the top in their state;
  • exemplary school, rapidly closing the achievement gap.

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The 16 city schools are among 356 schools across the country that will receive the award this year.

The winners will display the Blue Ribbon flag on their campuses.

New York City Schools That Received National Blue Ribbon Awards

  • A. Fantis School of Saints Constantine & Helen Cathedral - Brooklyn;
  • Brooklyn School of Inquiry - Brooklyn;
  • Fordham High School for the Arts - Bronx;
  • Icahn Charter School 4 - Bronx;
  • Icahn Charter School 6 - Bronx;
  • Louis Pasteur Middle School 67Q - Little Neck, Queens;
  • MS 255 Salk School of Science - Manhattan;
  • New York City Lab Middle School for Collaborative Studies - Manhattan;
  • PS 124 Yung Wing School - Manhattan;
  • PS 130 Elementary School - Bayside, Queens;
  • PS 150 - Manhattan;
  • PS 166 The Richard Rodgers School of Arts and Technology - Manhattan;
  • PS 184 Shuang Wen - Manhattan;
  • PS 35 The Clove Valley School - Staten Island;
  • PS 77 Lower Lab School - Manhattan;
  • Saint Ignatius Loyola School - Manhattan.
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