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School calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year: vacation and weekend schedule


Lyudmila Balabay

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New York Department of Education опубликовал School calendar for the 2023-3024 school year. It will be used in all public schools from 3K to 12th grade.

If your child attends a private, parochial, or charter school, contact them for their calendar.

Important points: when schools are closed due to bad weather or other emergencies, children will study remotely.

  • The dates of parent-teacher conferences in individual schools may differ from the dates indicated in the calendar.
  • This calendar defines elementary schools as programs from Kindergarten (K) through 5th grade, including 3-K and Pre-K. Middle schools are grades 6-8, and senior schools are grades 9-12.

School calendar in New York for the 2023-2024 school year

  • September 7 (Thursday) - first day of school
  • September 14 (Thursday) - evening parent-teacher meetings for elementary schools and Pre-K centers;
  • September 25 (Monday) – day off, Yom Kippur;
  • September 28 (Thursday) - evening parent-teacher meetings for senior classes;
  • October 9 (Monday) - Day off, Italian Heritage / Indigenous Peoples Day;
  • November 2 (Thursday) – afternoon and evening parent-teacher conferences for elementary schools; students from these schools will be released three hours earlier;
  • November 7 (Tuesday) - day off, election day;
  • November 9 (Thursday) - Afternoon and evening parent-teacher conferences for high schools and D75 schools; students from these schools will be released three hours earlier;
  • November 16 (Thursday) - evening parent-teacher meetings for senior classes;
  • November 17 (Friday) - afternoon and evening parent-teacher meetings for senior classes, students of these schools will be released three hours earlier;
  • November 23–24 (Thursday–Friday) – Weekend, Thanksgiving Day;
  • December 25 - January 1 - the winter vacation;
  • January 15 (Monday) - day off, Martin Luther King Jr. Day;
  • January 23–26 (Tuesday–Friday) – Regents exams;
  • January 29 (Monday) – Day of professional development; no classes in high school, all other students attend classes;
  • January 30 (Tuesday) - the beginning of the spring semester;
  • 19-23 February - the winter vacation;
  • 7 March (Thursday) - Afternoon and evening parent-teacher conferences for elementary schools and Pre-K centers; students from these schools will be released three hours earlier;
  • 14 March (Thursday) - Afternoon and evening parent-teacher conferences for high schools and D75 schools; students from these schools will be released three hours earlier;
  • 21 March (Thursday) - evening parent-teacher meetings for senior classes;
  • March 22 (Friday) - Afternoon parent meeting for senior classes; students from these schools will be released three hours earlier.
  • March 29 (Friday) – day off, Good Friday;
  • April 10 (Wednesday) - day off, Eid al-Adha;
  • April 22-26 - spring break;
  • May 9 (Thursday) - evening parent-teacher meetings for elementary schools and Pre-K centers;
  • May 16 (Thursday) – evening parent-teacher meetings for secondary schools and D75 schools;
  • May 23 (Thursday) - evening parent-teacher meetings for senior classes;
  • May 27 (Monday) - day off, Memorial Day;
  • June 6 (Thursday) - Teachers' conference, students do not go to school;
  • June 7 (Friday) - Clerical day; no classes in 3K, Pre-K, elementary, middle, K-12, and select D75 programs.
  • June 14-26 – Regents exams (except June 19 when schools are closed);
  • June 19 (Wednesday) – day off, Juneteenth;
  • June 26 (Wednesday) - the last day of school.

The official translation of the School Calendar 2023-2024 into Russian can be read here. Calendar for this academic year (2022-2023) is available here to register:.

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