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How much did it cost to travel on the New York subway 120 years ago, and when will it become more expensive again?


Lyudmila Balabay

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The MTA last raised New York City subway fares on August 20, 2023. Not even a year has passed since then, but another increase in fares is already looming on the horizon, writes Secret nyc.

Currently, one trip on the New York City subway costs $2,90. Before the latest increase, it was $2,75, and this price remained unchanged for more than eight years.

If we continue our journey through price history, the subway fare was $2,50 between 2013 and 2015. If we go back to the very beginning, in 1904, when the subway opened in New York, you could ride it for just 5 cents. In general, even history shows us that price increases are inevitable.

Before the pandemic, the MTA decided to raise subway fares every two years. However, the planned increase in 2021 did not materialize due to COVID-19 and its impact on the city's economy. But by 2023, everything returned to normal, and the fare went up by 15 cents to $2,90.

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So under the two-year increase plan, New Yorkers can expect the next subway fare increase to occur in 2025. The MTA explained that its cost will rise by 4% (to about $3), and then by another 4% in 2027.

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