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Old dishes in your kitchen can cost up to $17: collectors from all over the world want to buy them


Lyudmila Balabay

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Check your kitchen cabinets! If there is CorningWare cookware, then you can earn a tidy sum. After the bankruptcy of Instant Brands, the American parent company of the brand, collectors around the world are buying up these dishes for a lot of money, writes New York Post.

Instant Brands filed for bankruptcy on June 13th. Notable products from the brand include Instant Pot cookers, Corelle plates and Pyrex glassware.

Amid bankruptcy news, prices for CorningWare products on eBay and other used-sales sites reached an all-time high, skyrocketing to $17.

For this price on Australian eBay is now selling set of dishes, adorned with rare CorningWare designs, in particular the floral design that the company used between 1971 and 1975.

Screenshot from eBay: 25 Australian dollars is 000 US dollars

A woman who has sold several items to CorningWare in recent years said it was her mother's collection, and the crockery "has been gathering dust in the house for years."

"I've sold a few pieces - with my mom's blessing, of course - and have made about A$9000 ($6) so far," she said. “I would never have thought that this dish could be so valuable.”

In addition, on eBay you can now find CorningWare pans worth more than 10 thousand US dollars.

Screenshot from eBay. It's about $10
Screenshot from eBay. Price – $17

Instant Brands has offices around the world. Chapter 11 bankruptcy only affects the United States and Canada, it will not affect the rest of the company. At least that's what the company said. Instant Brands has offices in Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, China and Taiwan.

"Entities located outside of the United States and Canada are not included in the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing," Instant Brands said in a statement.

Instant Brands CEO Ben Gadbois said the brand couldn't weather the economic downturn so drastic measures were taken.


The company has existed for 108 years (since 1915). Its representatives claim that in 90% of American cuisines you can find at least one product produced by it. So look - and on eBay!

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