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Six Cities Near New York That Will Make Halloween Your Favorite Holiday


ForumDaily New York

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If you're looking for some spooky fun this Halloween season, SecretNYC knows where you should go. Choose one of the six scariest holiday cities and experience the creepy sensations.

A Halloween trip to a spooky town might be just what you need.

1. Sleepy Hollow, New York

  • 1 hour from New York.

Just an hour's drive from the Big Apple is Sleepy Hollow, a real Halloween village! Here you will find gothic mansions, haunted taverns and even the Headless Horseman.

On the subject: Unusual Farm in New York: The Best Apple Orchard in the US and Cannabis Products

You can find out about all the events here.

2. Tarrytown, New York

  • 1 hour drive from New York.

Tarrytown is Sleepy Hollow's slightly lesser-known neighbor. It is the setting for Washington Irving's novel The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. It is home to the 165-year-old King House, a real haunted mansion said to be haunted by the ghosts of its former residents.

The Tarrytown Music Hall is also said to be haunted. Legend has it that you can hear music there even when no one is performing.

3. Kingston, New York

  • 2 hours drive from New York.

Kingston in Ulster County has a bloody history, seeing many battles and conflicts before it burned during the American Revolution. Today, a visit to the Old Dutch Church Cemetery takes you to the land where natives and colonists fought, soldiers were buried, and victims of the burning of the city were laid to rest.

Ulster County has a haunted house called the Headless Horseman. Last year it was even voted the 9th scariest attraction Haunted in the USA!

4. Newport, Rhode Island

  • 4 hours from New York.

If you're looking for the Sanderson sisters, you might want to head to Newport, Rhode Island. That's where Hocus Pocus 2 was filmed. Visitors can head to iconic locations from the film, like Washington Square and the Newport Colony House.

The 383-year-old city is also full of creepy attractions and its own sinister folklore. It offers a ton of chilling Halloween activities, from ghost tours, spooky nights at the haunted Linden Place, costume cruises, and more.

5. Salem, Massachusetts

  • 4,5 hours from New York.

One of the most famous Halloween cities near New York City is Salem. It is famous for its 1692 witch trials. The world's largest Halloween celebration attracts thousands of people each year.

From the horrors of the famous Witch House to visiting Old Burying Point Cemetery (the oldest cemetery in the city, dating back to 1637), there are plenty of places to explore in Salem.

6. Croton-on-Hudson, New York

  • 1,5 hours from New York.

Croton-on-Hudson is located in the north of the state in the Hudson Valley. It is known for its famous The Great Jack O'Lantern Blaze. This stunning visual display features thousands of glowing pumpkins. The action takes place at Van Cortlandt Manor, a 17th-century estate that has quite a history of its own.

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