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Food Stamp amounts in New York will grow: who and how can get a surcharge


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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Governor Kathy Hokul announced that all New York City families enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as Food Stamp Benefits, will receive a food allowance supplement in July, regardless of the amounts they previously received. Silive.

All SNAP recipients, including those already at the maximum benefit level, will receive an increase. Families currently at the maximum benefit level ($835 for a family of four) will receive an additional payment of at least $95 per month. The increased benefits will be credited to the accounts between 15 and 30 July.

Families on SNAP who live in counties outside New York City will receive additional benefits in their accounts between July 15 and 22. SNAP recipients in New York City will receive the money between July 19 and 30.

The surcharge will go to the accounts in the same way as regular payments SNAP

Payments will go to existing beneficiary accounts (EBT). These can be accessed using existing EBT cards. Like regular food stamps, extra cash can be used at authorized food retailers. Any unused benefits will automatically roll over to the next month.

On the subject: In New York, increased food stamp payments: families can receive up to $ 835 per month

For more information about additional SNAP benefits, go to New Yorkers can check their eligibility for SNAP and can also apply online by visiting

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