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11 free services for independent study of English


ForumDaily New York

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Today, in the fierce competition for jobs, knowledge of the English language often becomes a decisive factor. Here's a selection of courses, lessons, apps, and other resources to help you learn. high load.

Courses and lessons


If you want to get not only knowledge, but also documentary evidence of training, then this platform - a good option: here you can get a certificate or diploma. In addition to English (in particular, business, literary or gestural) there is Spanish, German, Irish, French, Chinese, Swedish, Japanese. The platform offers 243 language courses at various levels.


One more courses with certificates, where there are two sections - "English as a second language", where you can learn the language from elementary to business level, and "English" for native speakers (or advanced connoisseurs).

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In the second section, the emphasis is on written language: here you can explore the features of the composition of the language and technical writing - topics include audience analysis, writing notes and internal communication in the company, presentation and use of visual aids, documentation of the work process, writing texts for publication on the Internet.

ESL brains

Base rate subscriptions does not require payment, up to 60 free lesson plans are available with it (+1 new free lesson per month). Students are offered videos on current topics with different levels of English difficulty, as well as exercises for them in PDF format - you can print, and not rewrite in notes.


british council

Courses here are paid, but many useful tools are freely available - a dictionary, podcasts, videos, collections of applications for learning a language, etc.


This platform allows you to learn English, Polish or German at A1, A2 and B1 levels for free, if you set Ukrainian as the interface display language. There are short lessons, dialogues with life situations and audio accompaniment, useful grammar tips and more.

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Learning apps

If you are currently at an elementary level of English, this free service you will need. It will help you learn common words in everyday life or travel, as well as grammar with simple interactive exercises - listening, crosswords, tests, etc.


Free interactive "учебник» with a bunch of handy filters: you can choose the type of English you need to learn (general, business or other), indicate the current level of knowledge of the language and focus on improved grammar, vocabulary, reading. By filters, the service offers a selection of relevant exercises.


It is a community ESL / EFL (English as a Second Language) teachers, where they publish their own lessons - mainly for beginners. There are worksheets with exercises, presentations and video tutorials. Access is free, but you can donate to teachers.


Here you can join a chat that suits your language level and practice speaking English - there are over 170 chats to choose from. There is also an opportunity to communicate in 10 more foreign languages.

Jokes in Levels

Funny broker, where you can not only improve your knowledge of English, but also get acquainted with exotic humor. Here they publish humorous texts of different levels of complexity, which are accompanied by an audio sequence.

Channels and bots

Telegram is not only a means of communication or a source of memes, but also a good tool for learning. Here you can find channels and useful bots that will help you learn grammar or find a partner to practice your spoken English. Here are a few of them:

  • @Lingopractices_bot
  • @WeSpeakEngl
  • @FlipTalkAI_bot
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