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Trump's sentencing in the New York case was postponed until the fall: the court is determining whether he has immunity


ForumDaily New York

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A judge in New York postponed for two months the announcement of the verdict of the 45th US President Donald Trump in a criminal case for falsifying reports on payments to a porn actress. His lawyers demanded that the sentence be overturned based on the decision of the US Supreme Court. He granted Trump partial immunity, reports AP.

Trump was scheduled to be sentenced on July 11 on charges of falsifying business records. This is just before the Republican nominating convention. He denies any wrongdoing.

As a result of the delay, sentencing will be scheduled for Sept. 18 at the earliest—if it happens at all. Thus, Trump will be sentenced in this case less than two months before the presidential election. This will happen after he is officially nominated as a presidential candidate by the Republican National Convention. It will start on July 15th.

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Human rights activists argue that the Supreme Court's decision deserves not only a stay of sentencing, but also an overturning of his conviction.

Lawyers Trump said they needed more time, reports DW. They want to examine how the trial could be affected by the US Supreme Court's ruling granting Trump partial immunity from prosecution in the January 2021 storming of the Capitol.

Trump's Partial Judicial Immunity

The Supreme Court ruled by a vote of six to three that US presidents are immune from prosecution for “official” acts committed while in office.

In making its decision, the Supreme Court noted that the decision on what is considered “official” activity of the president and what is not will be made by lower courts, reports with the BBC.

This opens up a lot of room for interpretation. Trump's lawyers tried to use the federal court's decision to overturn the decision of the New York state court, which does not directly obey him.

Trump called the Supreme Court decision “a major victory for the Constitution and democracy.” The ruling gives him another important reprieve. That is, the trial in the federal court of Washington in the case of attempts to manipulate the last presidential election will not take place until the election of the new US President, which is scheduled for November 5.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden, Trump's presumptive opponent in this election, criticized the Supreme Court's decision. He called it a “dangerous precedent.”

“From a practical point of view, this decision means that there are no longer limits to what the president is allowed to do,” Biden said.

The immunity ruling effectively eliminated the possibility that Trump could face trial for meddling in the 2020 election in Washington before the vote this November.

The case of Trump's payments to a porn actress

Trump became the first US President found guilty of a criminal offense.

On May 30, a jury in New York returned a guilty verdict in a criminal case. Twelve jurors found Trump guilty of falsifying business records to conceal payments to former porn actress Stormy Daniels. She threatened to make their affair public. This could lead to Trump's defeat in the 12 election.

Daniels claims she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006 after meeting him at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe. Trump has repeatedly denied this.

Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen paid porn actress Stormy Daniels for her silence. Cohen was then reimbursed for these expenses as a fee for his services. These payments occurred while Trump was president, and prosecutors argued that he signed the checks directly in the White House.

Trump's defense argued that the payments were indeed intended for legal work and were therefore classified correctly.

Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts. Each of the 34 counts of falsification of records could be punishable by up to four years in prison, for a total of 136 years.

Trump's lawyers argue that the Supreme Court's July 1 decision could lead to a retrial of the case.

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