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Man beaten in New York supermarket over Trump campaign slogan hat


ForumDaily New York

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On November 1, a New York resident beat up a stranger for wearing a pro-Trump hat in a supermarket, reports FoxNews.

According to police, Robert Yott of Bath, New York, beat up a stranger wearing a Trump 1 hat at a supermarket on November 2024. Yott was arrested.

The 60-year-old troublemaker was charged with assault and criminal mischief.

How events developed

Police responded to Tops Friendly Markets on West Morris Street around 1am on November 10 after receiving reports of a fight.

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Upon arriving at the scene, police learned that Yott had allegedly encountered a stranger wearing a cap with the inscription trump-2024.

Yott allegedly became aggressive towards the stranger and hit him several times in the face and head, causing the victim to break teeth and bleed from the mouth.

Yott was arrested and taken to the Steuben County Jail, where he is currently awaiting arraignment.

The atmosphere is heating up

Since before elections With just 48 hours left in office for the new president, tensions continue to rise.

Last week, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Nick Bosa wore a "Make America Great Again" hat during a live post-game interview.

"I won't say much about it, but I think it's an important point," he said.

Meanwhile, Robert Rivas, the 71st Speaker of the California State Assembly, called for Bosa to be exchanged.

"Hope @JedYork trades Nick Bosa to Mar-A-Lago. As a longtime @49ers fan, I've seen enough of Bosa in California," Rivas wrote on X, but the post has since been deleted.

In September, the Arizona Cardinals apologized to a woman who was told to remove her "Make America Great Again" hat to enter the team's stadium for a game.

Arizona native and Cardinals season ticket holder Susan Rosener and her husband were heading to their seats when a stadium employee told her to remove her hat.

Susan was told that she could not wear political caps or T-shirts.

While the Cardinals have a list of prohibited items for entry into State Farm Stadium on game days, "political hats or T-shirts" are not on the list.

The team eventually apologised for the incident.

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