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The XNUMX Highest Paid Professions in New York State
Olga Derkach
All professions are important and all professions are needed, but when it comes to wages, some are “more needed”. Who gets the highest salary in New York, the publication found out Business Insider.
30. Judges and justices of the peace
- Average annual salary: $ 167
- Number of employees in New York: 3 410 people
- What are they doing: arbitration, consulting, sentencing.
29. Architectural and engineering managers
- Average annual salary: $ 168
- Number of employees in New York: 7 130 people
- What are they doing: plan, direct, or coordinate activities in areas such as architecture or engineering.
28. HR managers
- Average annual salary: $ 169
- Number of employees in New York: 10 800 people
- What are they doing: plan, direct or coordinate the activities of the human resources and employees of the organization.
27. Training and development managers
- Average annual salary: $ 169
- Number of employees in New York: 2730 people
- What are they doing: plan, direct or coordinate learning and development activities.
26. Personal financial advisors
- Average annual salary: $ 169
- Number of employees in New York: 22 770 people
- What they do: advise clients on financial plans, using knowledge of tax and investment strategies, securities, insurance, retirement plans and real estate.
25. General Dentists
- Average annual salary: $ 170
- Number of employees in New York: 6 270 people
- What are they doing: examine, diagnose and treat diseases, injuries and malformations of teeth and gums.
24. Pediatricians
- Average annual salary: $ 170
- Number of employees in New York: 3 440 people
- What are they doing: diagnose, treat, and help prevent childhood illnesses and injuries.
23. Physicians-therapists
- Average annual salary: $ 171
- Number of employees in New York: 8 750 people
- What they do: diagnose and carry out non-surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of internal organs.
22. Lawyers
- Average annual salary: $ 174
- Number of employees in New York: 76 660 people
- What they do: represent clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal proceedings, prepare legal documents or advise clients on legal transactions.
21. Public Relations Managers
- Average annual salary: $ 175
- Number of employees in New York: 6 560 people
- What are they doing: plan, direct or coordinate activities aimed at creating or maintaining a favorable public image, raising awareness of problems, or raising funds for their organization or client.
On the subject: New York immigrants - who they are: their age, education, work, and salary
20. Airline pilots, copilots and flight engineers
- Average annual salary: $ 177
- Number of employees in New York: 5 430 people
- What are they doing: piloting and controlling the flight of a fixed-wing aircraft.
19. Orthopedists
- Average annual salary: $ 178
- Number of employees in New York: 1 050 people
- What are they doing: diagnose and treat diseases and deformities of the human foot.
18. Science Managers
- Average annual salary: $ 178
- Number of employees in New York: 1 440 people
- What are they doing: plan, direct and coordinate activities in various scientific fields.
17. Advertising and promotion managers
- Average annual salary: $ 183
- Number of employees in New York: 7 660 people
- What are they doing: planning, directing or coordinating advertising policies and programs.
16. Remuneration and benefits managers
- Average annual salary: $ 189
- Number of employees in New York: 1 380 people
- What are they doing: plan, direct, or coordinate compensation and benefits for the organization.
15. Computer and Information Systems Managers
- Average annual salary: $ 193
- Number of employees in New York: 29 050 people
- What are they doing: plan, direct or coordinate activities in areas such as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis and computer programming.
14. Marketing managers
- Average annual salary: $ 194
- Number of employees in New York: 21 740 people
- What are they doing: planning, directing or coordinating marketing policies and programs.
13. Psychiatrists
- Average annual salary: $ 196
- Number of employees in New York: 4 040 people
- What are they doing: doctors who diagnose, treat, and help prevent mental disorders.
12. Orthodontists
- Average annual salary: $ 199
- Number of employees in New York: 280 people
- What are they doing: examine, diagnose and treat malocclusion and oral cavity anomalies.
11. Family medicine doctors
- Average annual salary: $ 200
- Number of employees in New York: 4 170 people
- What are they doing: physicians who diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases and injuries that commonly occur in the general population.
On the subject: Up to $ 230 thousand per year: 30 of the highest paid professions in New York
10. Sales Managers
- Average annual salary: $ 201
- Number of employees in New York: 23 230 people
- What are they doing: plan, direct, or coordinate the actual distribution or movement of a product or service to a customer.
9. Doctors
- Average annual salary: $ 204
- Number of employees in New York: 30 090 people
- What they do: this professional category brings together various medical specialties that do not belong to any other group. Some of the specializations in this category include, among others, allergists and immunologists, radiologists, hospitalists, and sports medicine physicians.
8. Dentists
- Average annual salary: $ 206
- Number of employees in New York: 260 people
- What they do: it is a general category for dentists from other professional groups.
7. Surgeons
- Average annual salary: $ 213
- Number of employees in New York: 2 960 people
- What are they doing: physicians who treat illness, injury, and deformity with invasive, minimally invasive, or non-invasive surgical techniques.
6. Obstetricians and gynecologists
- Average annual salary: $ 214
- Number of employees in New York: 1 830 people
- What they do: doctors who provide medical care in connection with pregnancy or childbirth, as well as those who diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases in women.
5. Financial managers
- Average annual salary: $ 215
- Number of employees in New York: 45 390 people
- What are they doing: plan, direct or coordinate financial activities.
4. Nursing anesthetists
- Average annual salary: $ 217
- Number of employees in New York: 1 920 people
- What are they doing: administer anesthetics, monitor the patient's vital signs, and monitor the patient's recovery after anesthesia.
3. Executives
- Average annual salary: $ 218
- Number of employees in New York: 7280 people
- What are they doing: define and formulate policies and provide overall guidance to private and public sector companies or organizations within the guidelines set by the board of directors or similar governing body.
2. Maxillofacial surgeons
- Average annual salary: $ 227
- Number of employees in New York: 300 people
- What they do: perform surgical operations and related procedures on hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.
1. Anesthetists
- Average annual salary: $ 237
- Number of employees in New York: 2 260 people
- What are they doing: they use anesthetics and analgesics to relieve pain before, during, or after surgery.