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A passenger attacked an Uber driver in New York: he beat him, choked him and cut his face


ForumDaily New York

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A deranged Uber passenger beat, stabbed and tried to strangle a taxi driver during a terrifying ride through the Upper East Side, reports New York Post.

The 42-year-old Uber driver was driving his passenger along East 62nd Street near York Avenue around 22:30 p.m. on August 11, when the taxi driver was attacked.

The suspect suddenly became angry hit driver and cut his face with a metal object.

Then he wrapped his arms around his neck casualties and began to choke. Then, police said, the attacker got out of the car and fled toward the East River.

It is unclear what prompted the attack.

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The driver, exhausted from pain, was found with a cut face, swelling, and bleeding.

The suspect is wanted.

“This malicious attack is extremely troubling,” an Uber spokesperson said in a statement. – We do not condone violence of any kind. The company banned this passenger from the Uber platform as soon as his actions were reported to us. We look forward to assisting police with their investigation as best we can.”

The shocking crime came less than two weeks after 23-year-old Jennifer Guilbeault allegedly pepper-sprayed her Uber driver in the eyes, also on the Upper East Side, at the corner of Lexington Avenue and East 65th Street.

The driver, Shohel Mahmoud, said the attacker had racial motives. According to him, she did it because he was “dark.”

Guilbeault was arrested and released with a summons, police said.

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