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Killed a small child when he was a teenager: an unusual criminal was released in New York


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Smith was 13 years old when he killed a 4-year-old boy with a stone in western New York. He is now 41 years old. On October 5, he appeared before the Parole Board for the 11th time and was finally granted the right to be released. Silive.

Photo: Shutterstock

By decision of the council, Smith will be released on November 17, the Department said. correctional institutions and public oversight. Details of the meeting have not yet been published.

The story of a terrible crime

Smith was convicted of second-degree murder in 1994. He lured 4-year-old Derrick Robie into the woods near the boy's house and hit him in the head with a stone. Roby walked alone to a summer camp located in a park in Savona (Steuben district). The murder took place in August 1993.

The case received widespread publicity due to the young age of the victim and the suspect. It also became famous for the widespread photograph of the teenager Smith in court. The picture shows him - a guy with a shock of red hair - wearing a Bugs Bunny sweatshirt.

During the court hearings, Smith's lawyer tried to prove that the defendant was mentally ill, but these attempts failed. Smith was sentenced to life imprisonment with the right to review the sentence after 9 years.

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Derrick's parents, Dale and Doreen Roby, opposed Smith's release every time he had previously requested parole. They have lobbied for reform of parole practices that would include increasing the time between hearings on requests for release in cases of violent offenders from the current two years to five.

Dale Roby declined to comment on the latest court ruling and Smith's pending release.

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